Marat and Robespierre

 So as I think someone might have said before me, I really had no idea how to approach finding content for this blog post. It seems a bit too over-arching to make statements about pre-war French-British relations from one piece. I did, however, find an interesting piece in The New Age from an English-American author Francis Grierson. He wrote an essay on two historical figures from the French Revolution. I'm not entirely clear as to the timing or reason for the piece (placed in a British journal in 1909, about French revolutionists of the late 18th century, from an American author). It was unique, however, that I found both the style of the piece as well as the "intent" of it interesting. 

The first thing that struck me about the essay was the way it was written--in a fictional, "epic" tone that glorified two specific characters rather than their environment. There was a tone of fate and extreme levels of drama in it. Marat and Robespierre are portrayed as heroes of sorts. Oddly enough, the characters are glorified whereas the situation doesn't seem to be. I'm not sure of its significance, but I considered the need for revolution against the monarchy to not be elevated in a journal of a monarchist society. 



You make an interesting observation that the genre of fiction is used to present an epic (which is usually poetry) about two characters based on French revolutionaries, but are not sure where to go with it. I'd like to push you to think more about why the piece might have been written this way and why it was included in The New Age. Remember our bibliographic coding: are there other pieces in this issue or in other ones close to this date that intersect with it in interesting ways?

Also, please be sure to provide the relevant bibliographic information, such as the volume, number, and date of the issue, the title of the piece, and the pages on which it can be found. It would also be especially helpful to link to the page on which the piece begins.