Marketing in the New Age and the Little Review

I thought it would be interesting to compare an issue of the Little Review and an issue of the New Age, since I have some previous knowledge that both of them targeted higher-brow, elite audiences. I thought that in contrast to comparing the Little Review to a "every man's" magazine, it would be interesting to see how two elitist magazines differ or are the same. Both issues are from March of 1914, and I noticed two big differences.

1) Marketing/advertisement was reduced significantly in the New Age. Where the issue of the Little Review dedicated nearly the last 20 pages of the magazine to various advertisements, finding any marketing in the New Age was a struggle. The advertisements were relatively hidden in the New Age, and I could only find 3 small ones. Though the advertisements weren't for particularly elite items (cocoa, a restaurant, some books), their minimized placement was unique. The New Age also ended with an abstract art piece, rather than advertisements (as the Little Review does). This could show the desire of the New Age to leave the reader not with advertisements, but with images that are more elite.

2) Only the Little Review had advertisements for other magazines. The Little Review advertises for the Egoist and for Poetry, whereas the New Age definitely does not advertise for others. I think this speaks to the type of audiences each magazine is looking for. The Little Review may be looking for an audience that is likely to also read Poetry or the Egoist, whereas the New Age may be looking for an entirely singular/unique audience.