The Random Interruption of Ads in Scribners

 In vol. 47 no. 2 of Scribner's Magazine (1910), I looked at the layout of certain ads in between the content of the magazine. I first approached Scribner's Magazine because I thought it would be interesting to observe the same magazine that we talked about in class. The ads were mostly concentrated separated apart from the content of this issue of the magazine. I noticed, however, that in one section there was a lead-up to Theodore's Roosevelet's article about traveling in Africa. Following those short "Magazine Notes," there were a series of ads for homemade products before Roosevelt's actual article on African Game Trails. I noticed that the randomness of the ads seemed completely unrelated (and maybe in direct contrast) to the tone of the content surrounding it.

The content surrounding the ads is related to Theodore's Roosevelt's adventures through Africa, "an account of the African wanderings of an American hunter-naturalist." To the American public reading the magazine, these articles would be representing something foreign, uncomfortable, and related to nature. In almost direct contrast, however, are the ads that interrupt these two articles about African adventures. The first advertisement is for soap, with the image of a young girl playing with her porcelain doll. The next advertisement is for Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Both these advertisements relate entirely to domestic, comfortable American products. Their presence makes the articles surrounding them seem even more foreign to the reader, which is perhaps the intent.