- Blast I & II – Graduate Center Folio PR 6023 .E97 Z59
- Commerce (French) – Queens College AP20 .C56; NYPL DM (Commerce) Cahier 1-29 (été, 1924-hiver, 1932)
- The Dial (1914-1929) – Brooklyn College AP2 .D46; AP2 .D48
- The Hound and Horn – Brooklyn College & Queens College Periodicals AP2 .H794; City College Periodicals stored alphabetically; Hunter College special collections 2nd fl.
- La Nouvelle Revue Française (French) – Brooklyn College AP20 .N85
- Poetry: A Magazine of Verse (1912-1922) – Brooklyn College PN6099.6 .P6 (& PS301 .P6 in storage)
- Der Querschnitt (German) – NYPL *DF (Querschnitt) Library has: Jahrg.1-3, no.4, Jahrg.4-5, no.5, 7-12-Jahrg.16, no.10 (1921-1936 Oct.)
- La Revue de Paris (French) Brooklyn College Periodical Stacks – AP20 .R27 (older on microfilm)
- La Semaine Littéraire (French) Yale, Umass Amherst, Cornell, Library Of Congress (NO CUNY OR NYPL)
- Les Nouvelles Littéraires (French) NYPL Microforms - *ZAN-322 21 oct. 1922-5 jan. 1983. NYU
- Mercure de France: Série Moderne (French) Brooklyn College AP20 .M5; City College Cohen Stacks - PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY; NYPL Microform *ZAN-1123 Library has: Tome 1-t. 354; jan. 1890-juil/août 1965 = no 1-no 1221/1222.
- Playboy: A Portfolio of Art and Satire (1919-24) Lehman College N1 .P6 (1919 only?); NYPL DA+ (Playboy) Library has: no.1-9 (1919-24); also Brooklyn Public, FIT, MOMA, Uconn, Yale, BU
- The Athenaeum (1912-21) NYPL DA+ (Athenæum) Library has: no.115-4737 (Jan. 9, 1830-Feb. 11, 1921); NYU, Columbia, Fordham, SUNY Purchase, UVA
- The Criterion: A Quarterly Review (1922-39) City College Serial – Cohen Stacks; Queens College – Microform, Media Ctr. Microfilm Periodicals Level I Shelved by title; Lehman College AP4 .C872; NYPL DA (Criterion. London, England : 1922) Library has: v.1, no.1-v.3, no.12 (Oct. 1922-July 1925) | DA (Criterion. London, England : 1928) Library has: v.7, no.4-v.18, no.71 (June 1928-Jan. 1939) NEED 1925-1928;
- The Dial (1914-29) City College Cohen Stacks – PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY; Queens College Media Ctr. Microfilm Periodicals Level 1 Shelved by title; NYPL Microform ZAN-3782 Reel 187-200 Library has: v. 1-86 no. 7; May 1880-July 1929.
- The Drama (1911-30) City College Cohen Stacks – PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY; Columbia
- The Egoist (1914-19) City College Cohen Stacks – PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY;
- The English Journal XXII.5 (May 1933): 349-58 – Pound's “Past History”
- The English Review NYPL *DA (English Review) [Print] v. 1-20, 36-64 (Dec. 1908-July, 1915, 1923-July, 1937) NEED APRIL 1921 FOR ALDINGTON'S REVIEW OF JOYCE
- The Fortnightly Review BC AP4 .F7 (older issues in storage)
- The Freeman BC AP2 .F915; CC Periodical Shelves - alphabetical
- The Freewoman (1911-12) Northwestern University; Sarah Lawrence College; New York State Library (Albany); University of Virginia
- The New Freewoman (1913) City College Cohen Stacks - PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY; Rutgers; Columbia; NYU
- The Glebe I.5 - “Des Imagistes” (Feb 1914) (+/- 1914) – Ezra Pound Davidson College (North Carolina); Washington State University
- The Listener (1929-40) City College Cohen Stacks – PERIODICAL Note: SHELVED ALPHABETICALLY; Queens College AP4 .L42; NYPL DA+ (Listener) [Print} Library has: Sept. 1930-1981 |
- The Little Review (1914-29) Brooklyn College AP2 .L6472 (Reprint); Lehman College ; Pace University ; Brooklyn Museum ; NYU ; MoMA ; Frick Art Reference Library ; Columbia; NYPL ;
- The London Times Hunter College Hunter Main - Microforms, 4th floor - SHELVED UNDER TITLE; NYPL Microform
- The Manchester Guardian York College Microforms; NYPL Microforms *ZY (Manchester guardian) [Microfilm] Library has: May 5, 1821-Aug. 22, 1959.
- The Nation (1916-1921) SEE NATION AND ATHENAEUM; Columbia; Central Connecticut State University; Boston College
- The Nation and Athenaeum (1921-1930) NYPL Microform *DA+ (Nation and athenaeum) & *ZAN-7707 Library has: v. 1-48; Mar. 2, 1907-Feb. 21, 1931. Mar. 2, 1907-Sept. 1916, Oct. 1919-Feb; Bard College; Columbia; Queens Borough Public Library; SUNY Binghamton
- The New Age - ???
- The New English Weekly (London) NYPL *DA (New English weekly); Vassar; Harvard; University of Virginia
- The New Republic (1914-1940) Brooklyn College Microfilm – Periodicals – SHELVED UNDER TITLE;
- The New Review –
- The New Statesman (1913-30) NYPL Microform *ZAN-3154 Library has: v.1-36 (no. 1-930); Apr. 12, 1913-Feb. 21, 1931. Columbia, Colgate, NYU, BU
- The New Statesman and Nation (1930-40) BC Brooklyn - Microfilm – Periodicals – SHELVED UNDER TITLE; NYPL Microform *ZAN-3154 New ser., v. 1-53 (no. 1-1372); Feb. 28, 1931-June 29, 1957. MICROFILM (University Microfilms International); NYU, Ithaca Coll, BU, Brandeis, Rutgers, UVM
- The New York Herald CC Microfilm;
- The New York Times Book Review BC, CC, HC – Prob. in Microfilm
- The Observer (London) NYPL Microform *AB (observer,London)] 1923-1946 [*ZY 74-5] 1947-Apr 29(2007)-- NEED 5 MARCH 1922
- The Outlook BC AP2 .O8;
- The Pink ‘Un NO CUNY OR NYPL
- The Quarterly Review (+/- Sept. 1915)
- The Smart Set (1900-1930) NYPL Microform *ZAN-586 Library has: v. 1-86, no. 5; Mar. 1900-July 1930.
- The Times Literary Supplement (1912-40) BC Brooklyn - Microfilm – Periodicals – SHELVED UNDER TITLE; NYPL Microform *R-*ZAN-962
- The Transatlantic Review QC Microform Media Ctr. Microfilm Periodicals Level 1 – Shelved by title; NYPL *DA (Transatlantic review) Library has: v.1-2, no.6 (1924-Jan. 1925)
- The Tyro: a review of the arts of painting, sculpture and design (Wyndham Lewis) Columbia, Rutgers, MOMA. cf. Egoist notes.
- To-Day (London) (1916-23) NYPL *DA (To-day) Library has: n.s., v.1-2 (May 6, 1916-Jan. 6, 1917); [ser. 2] v.1- (no. 1-) (Mar. 1917- );
- transition
- Vanity Fair – 1910s – 1930s
Select Bibliography of Periodicals
Submitted by Jeff Drouin on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 22:37