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In reading Wernimont and Losh, I found myself consistently saying "Where's the info?" They made a lot of claims about stuff like a purposeful white-washing of DH history and ignorance of the feminist and antiracist work that went into building DH, but never actually gave examples of ignored people who should be considered the cornerstones of DH work. I found myself wanting to stop reading their intro and just jump to the pieces in the book, were they offered in the reading, because then I would get some kind of hard information. I would be hypocritical if I were against Moretti and Jocker's broad claims about DH's importance, and I sat back and let Wernimont and Losh say things like "our argument is that feminisms have been and must continue to be central to the indentity and the methodologies of the digital humanities as a field" without at least pointing out the same type of forceful language. Especially someone like myself whose field includes professionals that utilize any number of theoretical lenses, including race/feminist/queer theory, and views the field as all the better for it. To argue for one central theory that all of a particular discipline must center around is...too much.


The Klein was particularly great because it deals with a particular concern of mine in my DH project. I am currently working on making a record of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn's membership rolls and minutes, so that I can easily digitize them from the record provided in Gilbert's book The Golden Dawn Companion. There is enough information there that I can do a few cool things that will illuminate the membership of the Golden Dawn and show the general idea I have for my "Artistic Network of the Golden Dawn." However, as I'm going through the data, I am consistently struck with the fear that there are people on the rolls that I will simply never know anything about. There are people that are simply lost to time, or more simply the very poor record keeping of the Golden Dawn, and my archive will not be able to rectify that. I was sincerely worried about how I could fix these potential problems, but the Klein reading put my mind at ease. Sometimes I will be able to trace the histories of these people. Sometimes I will not. Both of those outcomes are fine. Ghosts don't have to be solved. They can be allowed to exist. Just as you cannot force more information about characters from a novel or drama or poem, you cannot wish up an extensive background on every single person that has ever lived.