Final Project Proposal

Nicholai Aarons


                                           Final Project Proposal


            For the purpose of completing the final project my intent and proposal is to write a research paper that focuses on the life of the artist Wyndham Lewis. I will investigate his contributions to the modernist movement, and his impact on the art and literary culture in Europe during the early Twentieth Century. I must admit that I knew little to nothing about modernism until I took this class. This research project has provided me the opportunity to further enlighten myself about the movement. Based on the readings, I have discovered that Wyndham Lewis was one of the major contributors to modernism in the early 1900s.

            I plan to read the magazines that he edited in the Modernist Journals Project to gain further insight into his writing and literary style— I have discovered thus far that he started a movement called Vorticism. The questions that I will seek to answer are:

  • Who was Wyndham Lewis?
  • Where did he live?
  • Who or what influenced him?
  • What kind of an artist was he?
  • Which magazines did he contribute to besides the ones we discussed in class?
  • How was he received by his contemporaries?