The New Archive

In Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's The Futurist Manifesto, he states, “We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism, and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.” The idea of creating a new "archive" comes from the necessary revolution in Italy. It was obvious to see how aggressive he wanted Italy to seize the power once more, like they used to have in Renaissance period. However, the idea that driven the new concept turns into encouragement of violence, “It is in Italy that we are issuing this manifesto of ruinous and incendiary violence.” Of course, it led to the aggressiveness of Italy in the later wars.

We can see very similar concept from T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. In here, T.S. Eliot also indicates his idea on revolution, or how to claim the power once more. “To swell a progress, start a scene or two.” Also, T.S. Eliot mentions the name, Michelangelo, one of the most popular artists in Renaissance. Here, it matches the idea of creating a new archive with Marinetti's The Futurist Manifesto. Both indicates the future by referencing how to make a better new world with their new ideas and power.

In Toward A Poetics of the Archive Introduction, it mentions“To archive, ultimately, as Derrida recently reminded us in Archive Fever is to catalogue and subject to bibliographical determination.” New knowledge has to add on to the old archive, however, the old ones might not seem to fit with the new ones. That makes the great change in creating new archive. It has to get rid of the old ones, and create the new ones.