Edgar Allan Poe

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Animals feature in a few of Poe's works, most notably The Black Cat and The Raven. These both peak towards the center of our selected works.  
Animals feature in a few of Poe's works, most notably The Black Cat and The Raven. These both peak towards the center of our selected works.  
When considering the words Poe used across his works there are obvious trends to be seen. Dark words have a much larger presence early on whereas the word Love springs at the end. Dark words such as Ghastly have a few spikes but inevitably die off just like Death. Across all graphs "The  Raven" seems to be the turning point where all trends make a significant change. The word Death hits its lowest point at the Raven and at the same time the word Love starts its climb after Raven. And on the graph of environmental descriptions, the Raven is the last major point before all words drop to zero. Being one of the most famous poems ever written, it's no surprise that it too would make an such an impact on Poe and his writing style as well.

Revision as of 05:05, 28 April 2017

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